This 1/2 duplex two-way radio licence, issued by ACMA and arranged on your behalf by Radiotronics, allows you to operate any number of portable two-way radios also with a repeater at a specific address.
In order to legally operate most two-way radios in Australia a two-way radio licence isued by ACMA is required. A two-way radio licence isssued by ACMA grants you a frequency just for you, meaning there is a very low chance of any interference meaning a clear two-way radio system.
Operating a two-way radio without an ACMA-issued licence can land you with a large fine, equipment confiscation and even prison time for serious repeat offenders. Whilst the potential penalties of not having a licence should be a deterrent, this is not actually the reason you should have one. As described above, having a licence means you will suffer no interference and will cause no interference to others.